Shell Renewable Diesel die CO₂e-emissies met wel 90% terugdringt, bereikt Belgische tankstations
Brussel – Belgian Shell NV (Shell) is en blijft gedreven om vrachtwagens te decarboniseren, en presenteert oplossingen voor productie en levering van brandstoffen die de CO₂e-emissies fors terugdringen. Het bedrijfintroduceerde in december 2023 Shell Renewable Diesel bij zijn Belgische klanten in de sector van het commercieel wegtransport. Deze revolutionaire brandstof werd voorheen enkel in bulk geleverd aan wegtransportfirma’s. In de Shell Truckstations van Herstal, Maasmechelen en Gent kunnen trucks vanaf nu rechtstreeks aan de pomp Shell Renewable Diesel tanken, met meer locatie openingen gepland voor de toekomst.
Shell biedt nieuwe dieselbrandstof aan die de CO₂e-uitstoot in België tot 90% kan verminderen
Brussel - Shell Renewable Diesel is nu beschikbaar voor levering aan wegtransportbedrijven en vanaf 2024 bij vijf Belgische stations.
Shell, Carrefour en Redevco installeren tegen eind 2024 ongeveer 1 000 laadpunten op de parkings van de supermarktketen
Brussel - Vandaag opent Shell de honderdste laadpaal in België
DHL Express België Investeert in 100 Nieuwe Elektrische Bestelwagens Om Te Werken Naar Een Klimaatneutrale Toekomst
Antwerpen - DHL express, Shell and Ford partnership as part of DHL's GoGreen mission.
Tips voor een optimale rij-prestatie en lees meer over hoe u het beste uit uw voertuig kunt halen.
Grond of een station te koop
Shell is op zoek naar bestaande stations en ook naar locaties om nieuwe stations te ontwikkelen.
Shell tank- en laadkaart
Hoe groot of klein uw wagenpark ook is en of u nu lokaal of over de grens opereert, voeg u bij de miljoenen klanten wereldwijd die al profiteren van de meer dan 50 jaar aan Shell-expertise op het gebied van brandstofkaarten.
Ontdek Shell Berchem in Luxemburg
Goed voor families en voor truckers!
Title: 102816-Shell Berchem CVP NL_Final_250817
Duration: 0:58 seconds
A video showing all of the facilities the Berchem services - good for families, great for truckers.
102816-Shell Berchem CVP NL_Final_250817 – Transcript
[Background music plays]
Upbeat / energetic
[Text displays]
START: “Welcome to Berchem”, with ‘Welcome to’ spinning round in the different languages
END: Good for families, great for truckers.
[Video footage]
We open to see the Berchem forecourt with a truck arriving at the station, camera pans down.
Our family gets out of the struck towards camera and looks around amazed at the view. The trucker mouths ‘WOW!’.
A photo of the family is taken and freezes into an Instagram post and three thumbs up emojis pop up.
We see a CU of our trucker’s hand putting his card into the petrol pump card machine, selecting all three pumps. Emojis pop up showing one card = 3 pumps.
The trucker pulls out the three pumps and puts three nozzles into the three tanks, one at a time.
We cut to a wide shot of the front of the truck, with the children in the cabin and the mother and father filling the tank either side of the truck, all happily holding out three fingers in the air.
A photo is taken of this scene, again appearing in an Instagram frame with the ‘petrol = 7 mins!!’ emojis and then a firework emoji.
We open to see two hands making a heart shape around the exterior Shell logo. We pan out to see the whole family standing outside the main entrance to the Berchem shop and café. The family post for another photo and the Instagam frame appears again and we see the emojis for ‘petrol = food coffee shower’ pop up. A Euro then appears, which is crossed out.
We then see the family inside the café shop, picking up their food tray at the counter café. A picture is taken and appears in the Instagram frame, showing the ‘food and tick’ emojis.
We see a coffee being poured from a machine and the young boy jumping up and down in front of his dad, our trucker. A picture is taken of the boy giving a thumbs up and appears in the Instagram frame with the coffee and tick emoji flash up.
We cut to the inside of the shower, where our trucker is washing and singing loudly. We see his family covering their ears outside. A photo is taken of this scene which appears in the Instagram frame, with the shower tick emojis pop up. We then see ‘shower + singing = thumbs down’ emojis.
We then cut to the exterior terrace, which looks over the forecourt. We see the parents sharing a hot drink at a table. The audio changes to soft gentle music as they stare into each other’s eyes. We pan out, the music cuts back to the upbeat music from before and the kids run into shot shouting and climb onto the bench next to them. They all hug and look to camera for another photo. The photo then freezes into the Instagram frame and the caption reads ‘Berchem, three thumbs up and fireworks’ emojis.
We see a wide shot overlooking the Berchem forecourt at night. This quickly fades to a blur and we see the copy, ‘Good for families, great for truckers.’
Shell logo

Shell Berchem
Welkom bij Shell Berchem, het grootste tankstation ter wereld. Wij streven naar zo veel mogelijk comfort voor chauffeurs.
Ontdek meer over Shell Berchem...
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